jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010


Criminal behavior is influenced by both, nature or biological features, and nurture, the environment people live in. First of all I believe criminal behavior is influenced more by nurture or the environment and where you live in, because people become aggressive when they are exposed to these situations like being raped, victim of domestic violence, etc. or being a witness of these types of things. Nature may influence criminal behavior when the person is born with damage in the brain, but very rarely. I think this because I don’t believe a person can be born and be a criminal because they are babies and they don’t know anything of the world where they live in, only if they are born with a dysfunction. Instead I believe that they turn that way because of what they see or what they feel in their lives. These are my opinions and my beliefs of criminal behavior.

After researching I found out many interesting things. A recent study using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed that many of the criminals had a frontal lobe dysfunction. A frontal lobe dysfunction has many symptoms including apathy, aggressiveness, epilepsy, depression and many more. This neurological dysfunction can arise when the person is inappropriately euphoric or depressed, excessively argumentative or passive, and vulgar. As you can see this problem does not arise from a biological issue, instead it arises from the way you are or the way you are treated.
When studying the backgrounds of many of the criminals it was found that they were exposed to a lot of violence in their lives. It was found that 4 out of 5 criminals had been exposed to rape or witnessed it and that 3 out 5 had been a witness or experienced domestic violence according to law.jrank.org. These are high rates because almost everyone was mistreated. The other percentage of the criminals where unattended by their family or they did not pay attention to him that is why he got depressed and then was exposed to the frontal lobe dysfunction.

This believes are obtained from neurological sciences or studies of the brain. These studies showed that depending on which side the brain is affected that is what changed you. Like if you were damaged in the parietal lobe it would make you feel numbness, and if you were affected in the temporal lobe your memory would be affected. And like I said before damage in your frontal lobe may cause your personality to change to a less social person and I would make you much more aggressive.

In conclusion I found out that criminal behavior is not affected by biological features instead by environmental issues. I believe this is true because the frontal lobe dysfunction is rarely obtained since birth, and it is mostly created by your environment. Criminal minds are not easy to understand, and every day with the new studies we grow in knowledge of these terms.

Works cited

4 comentarios:

  1. thank you Futch! this inriched my knowledge in criminal minds, according to your blog it is caused by enviromental issues.

  2. I was really impressed and shocked by the percentages! I also appreciate your strong sense of judgment and opinion in this delicate subject. I would concur with you. The research you found definitely states that you are more likely to become a criminal when you've experience a lot of tribulations. You used a lot of scientific terms that supported you opinion!

  3. The research is complete and your concluding sentence emphizes what the whole research is about. You help me have a better understanding of this topic on the debate of nature vs nurture. good job futch

  4. Good connection of the pictures and arguments. You clearly defend your position. Excellent work.
