viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2010


Ivan P. Pavlov
1. What was Pavlov actually studying when he developed his theory of classical conditioning?
He was studying the digestive system of mammals.

2. Explain (in detail) how Pavlov's experiment was conducted.
The dog was brought food to measure salivation. Dog salivated before food arrived. Why? He was associating the noise as the food was brought with actual food.
3. Identify the conditioned stimulus, the unconditioned stimulus and the conditioned response from Pavlov's experiment.
Conditioned stimulus: the bell
Unconditioned stimulus: the food
Conditioned response: salivation

4. Explain what extinction means in relation to classical conditioning.
A gradual weakening and eventual disappearance of the CR tendency. Extinction occurs from multiple presentations of CS without the US.

5. Explain what stimulus generalization means in relation to classical conditioning.
A response to a specific stimulus becomes associated to other stimuli (similar stimuli) and occurs to those other similar stimuli.

6. Explain what stimulus discrimination means in relation to classical conditioning.
Learning to respond to one stimulus and not another.

7. Explain at least two limitations of this experiment.
-Pavlov had to re-route the dogs salivary glands surgically.
-To prove this was also applied to humans he had to test it on humans.

8. Explain what Pavlov theorized about how we learn.
Learning by association.

John B. Watson:
1. Explain (in detail) how Watson's "Little Albert" study was conducted.
First when little Albert was 9 months old he was exposed to a white rat, rabbit, dog, monkey, masks with and without hair, cotton wool, burning newspapers etc. Two months later when Albert was 11 months old he was placed in the middle of the room and exposed to a white rat that he was allowed to play with. While little Albert was joyfully playing with the rat Watson and his assistant made a loud noise by hitting a steel bar with a hammer. Little Albert was very scared after this.

2. Identify the conditioned stimulus, the unconditioned stimulus and the conditioned response from Watson's study
Conditioned stimulus: white rat
Unconditioned stimulus: loud noise
Conditioned response: crying

3. Explain at least two limitations of this study.
It was unethical, and it could never be tested on another person again.

4. Explain Watson's law of frequency.
The more frequent a stimulus and response to occur in association with each other, the stronger that habit will become

5. Explain Watson's law of recency.
The response that has most recently occurred after a particular stimulus is the response most likely to be associated with that stimulus.

6. Explain the basic assumptions of behaviorism according to Watson.
Watson said that psychology had not anything to do with the mind or human instead with the behavior , this way people could be studied objectively like lab rats.


domingo, 7 de noviembre de 2010


sleeping in a comfortable bed is part of sleep hygiene
The Associated Professional Sleep Societies was talking about how sleep hygiene helps your GPA in college. People with poor sleep hygiene lower their GPA when they enter college by .98 and people who did not have that problem only dropped my .69. Sleep hygiene includes things like having a regular bed time and a regular wake time, and sleeping in a comfortable bed. I believe this article is important for people going to college because no one likes to lower their grades, especially when they are entering college. Reading this article makes me think of all those people studying until 5 in the morning and not getting a good grade, i also believe like they said in this article that there should be chats in school about sleep hygiene so people can improve their grades instead of dropping their GPA. Sleeping is very important so people reach their expected grades.
This article was about a later school start, the investigation was conducted by Zaw W. Htwe, MD, of Norwalk Hospital's Sleep Disorders Center in Norwalk, Conn. It explained how delaying school start by 40 minutes made kids more awake in the day. This increased the sleep time of children and it is recommendable that teens sleep at least 9 hours at night. The results of this investigation were that kids reported to be less sleepy during the day. I believe that it is very important that teens sleep at least nine hours because the brain develops through these years of life. I also believe that our school should change their entering school hours because most of the student’s at school seem very sleepy during the day, I believe that is because of their sleep deprivation.
This article was about how delaying the schools start time, would help students behaviors. The study was conducted by Judith A. Owens, M.D., M.P.H., of the Hasbro Children's Hospital, Providence, and colleagues. What they did was delay the schools start time by 30 minutes and have students take an online survey before and after the delay. Before people showed that they were very depressed and had bad days, but after the delay people seemed happier and less depressed. The results were that the delay helped people be less depressed and happier. I believe that all the school in the world should have AT LEAST a 30 minute delay in school start time. This would help teen agers by having them in a better mood, but it would also help teachers. I believe this would help teachers because being with someone in a good mood is better than being with someone in a bad mood and that is depressed. I believe teachers would have a better temper. Delaying a schools start time would be the best option for teen agers behavioral issues.  

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